A series of events are organised for interested stakeholders within SMARTA-NET:

• Six (online and face-to-face) events were organized until the end of the project for the members of the European Rural Mobility Network (ERMN) with the aim of bringing together network members, exchanging experiences, and building capacity through the SMARTA-NET outcomes.

•The SMARTA-NET training programme, specifically designed for capacity-building and empowerment of rural communities – using SMARTA-NET outcomes – was implemented to help them cope with mobility challenges and build resilience by leveraging ecotourism.

• The final conference aimed at presenting the diversity of rural contexts and howmobility and tourism solutions could be developed and implemented according to specific local  conditions.

•Other (ad hoc) events were also organized within the SMARTA-NET project, such as dedicated meeting(s) for SMARTA-NET lighthouse sites.

• The final conference will aim at presenting the diversity of rural contexts and how mobility and tourism solutions can be developed and implemented according to specific local conditions.

• Other (ad hoc) events are also organised within the SMARTA-NET project, such as dedicated meeting(s) for SMARTA-NET lighthouse sites.