Explore the 15 Lighthouse Sites of the SMARTA-NET Project

Discover the 15 Lighthouse sites through their posters, which showcase essential details across key themes: the site’s key features, reasons for joining the ERMN, lessons learned from SMARTA-NET activities, and plans for the future. Illustrated with images of rural mobility activities, the posters highlight the main themes and experiences gained throughout the project. Dive in to explore the unique contributions of each Lighthouse site!

Lighthouse sites

Alentejo Region (Portugal)

Autonomous Region of Madeira (Portugal)

Barcelona Provincial Council (Spain)

Cerema Lyon (France)

East Tyrol (Austria)

Jastrebarkso (Croatia)

Kilkenny (Ireland)

Kusel District (Germany)

LAG Sdruzeni Ruze (Czechia)

Lake Balaton Region (Hungary)

Narni (Italy)

Ramnicu Sarat (Romania)

Rethymno (Greece)

Šaleška Valley (Slovenia)

Vidzeme (Latvia)

Explore Our Lighthouse Sites: SMARTA-NET worked closely with a set of Lighthouse sites – municipalities and regional entities – to test key activities and outcomes of the project.

Click on the locations on the map below to learn more about each site!

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